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- Sindh Ka Saqafti Virsa
numaish mein taqreeban 91 tareekhi maqamat ki nadir tasaveer ki numaish hui, jin mein thatta, mak...
- Sardar
1043...adir Shah raided Delhi in year 1739 BC andlooted Hindustan and was carrying lot of Hindustan Treasures alongwith him. The news spread like a fire and was heard by Sardar JassaSingh who was the Commander of Sikh army that time. He decided toattack Nadir Shah on the same midnight. It didn-t happened onlyonce but thereafter whenever any Abdaalis or Iranis had lootedHindustan and were trying to carry out treasures along with them, theSikh army (quite few in numbers but were bravehearted attacked themin the midnight (12 O-clock). After that time when there occurred asimilar incidence people started to contact Sikh army for their Helpand Sikh used to attacked the raider-s at the Midnight(12 O-clock).It continued and became a fame that at midnight (nearly at 12O-clock it is very difficult to fight against Sikhs as the sikhs getsome Extra Power.) Soon some people started spreading canards thatat 12 O-clock Sikh goes out of sense.""Sikhs are born for others and they are real patriotic to Humanity.Instead of Thanking them we al...
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