You may create your account in iJunoon Social Wall with invitation only, ask your friend to send you an invitation to join iJunoon Social Wall or contact us for invitation.
iJunoon Social Wall
iJunoon Social Wall is online social networking community, Users must register before using the site, after which they may create a personal profile, add other users as friends, exchange messages, and receive automatic notifications when they update their profile.
...aaseh guftaguu aaj sar-e-kuu-e-butaa.N Thahrii hai hai vahii aariz-e-lailaa vahii shiirian kaa dahan nigaah-e-shauq gharii bhar ko yahaa.N Thahrii hai vasl kii shab thii to kis darjaa sabak guzrii hai hijr kii shab hai to kyaa saKht garaa.N guzarii hai bikharii ek baar to haath aa_ii kab mauj-...
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