look Punjabi Meaning
to, v.t. Vekhna; takkna; johna; nazr marni; 1. to look up. Nazr puttna; 2. to look out for. Udikna; rah vekhna; 3. to look at wth anger. Akkh ghurna; 4. to look for. Labbhna; bhallna; dekh bhal karna; dhundhna; dhund dhand karna;
n. nigah. F; jhaka. M; jhakk. F; jhamaka. M; takk. M;
interj. Vekh;
Look or The Look may refer to:
Synonyms attending bad eye beholding case cast contemplation double O eyeful flash gander gaze glad eye glance glimpse glom gun hinge inspection introspection keeping watch lamp leer look-see marking noticing observation once-over peek peekaboo peep pike reconnaissance regard regarding review scrutiny sight slant speculation squint stare surveillance survey swivel the eye view viewing whammy
Antonyms ignore
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