jump Sindhi Meaning

Sindhi Dictionary

Sindhi Meaning for jump

کٍڍ۔ ٽپو، ٺینگ:

With one jump, the horse was over the fence

ھک ئی ٽپی سان گھوڙو لو ڙھی جی ھٍن پار ھو۔

ٽپو ڍیڻ ، کڍڻ ، ٺینگ ڍیڻ :

1 ٽنگن جی زور تی ٿپو ڍیڻ :

The cat jumped onto the table

ٻلی ءَ میز تی ٽپو ڍنو :

The horse jumped over the wall

گھوڙو ڀت تان ٽپیو ۔

2 ٽپو ڍیڻ ۔تکری حرکت کرڻ :

He jumped into the car and drove away

ھوٽپ ڍیئی موٽر ۾ ویٺو۽ گاڍی کاھ ویو ۔

3 حیرانیءَ یا خوف ۾ ڇِرک ڀرڻ :

A loud noise made me jump

وڍی آواز تی آئون ڇرک ڀری اٍٿیس۔

Sindhi Dictionary

English to Sindhi Dictionary




کڈنڑں / ٹپنڑں / کسنڑں / جھپنڑں



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All in One

Jump or Jumping primarily refers to the physical action of jumping, that is, propelling oneself rapidly upward such that momentum causes the body to become airborne.
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