induce Urdu Meaning
Induce - Urdu Meaning and Translation of Induce (مائل کرنا - mael karna), Total 3 meanings for Induce , Roman Urdu Meaning for word Induce , Synonyms, Antonyms, English Definition and more.
مائل کرنا
mael karna
آمادہ کرنا
amada karna
ترغیب دینا
targheeb dena
Induce may refer to:
Synonyms abet activate actuate argue into breed bring about bring around bulldoze cajole cause coax convince draw draw in effect engender generate get get up goose impel incite influence instigate lead to make motivate move muster up occasion persuade press prevail upon procure produce promote prompt soft-soap squeeze steamroller suck in sway sweet-talk talk into urge wheedle win over work up
Antonyms prevent
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