incorrupt Urdu Meaning
Incorrupt - Urdu Meaning and Translation of Incorrupt (خراب نہ ہونا - kharab nah hona), Total 2 meanings for Incorrupt , Roman Urdu Meaning for word Incorrupt , Synonyms, Antonyms, English Definition and more.
خراب نہ ہونا
kharab nah hona
رشوت نہ دینا
rishwat nah dena
Synonyms admirable blameless charitable dutiful estimable ethical exemplary guiltless honest honorable incorrupt inculpable innocent irreprehensible irreproachable lily-white obedient praiseworthy pure reputable respectable right righteous sound tractable uncorrupted untainted upright virtuous well-behaved worthy
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