improvise Urdu Meaning
Improvise - Urdu Meaning and Translation of Improvise (برجستہ کہنا - barjasta kehna), Total 2 meanings for Improvise , Roman Urdu Meaning for word Improvise , Synonyms, Antonyms, English Definition and more.
برجستہ کہنا
barjasta kehna
بروقت ترتیب دینا
bar waqat tarteeb dena
Synonyms ad-lib bat out brainstorm coin concoct contrive cook up dash off devise do offhand dream up extemporize fake fake it get off hatch head trip improv improvisate invent jam knock off knock out make do mess around noodle noodle around play piano shuck slapdash spark spitball throw out throw together toss out trump up vamp whip up wing it
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