imagination Sindhi Meaning
تصور، خیال :
ذھنی تصویر بڻائڻ جو عمل ، تخیل جی سگھه ، نوان خیال اچڻ جی صلاحیت:
You need a lot of imagination to write stories for children
ٻارن جون کھاڻیون لکڻ لا ءِ تمام گھڻی تخیل جی سھه ضروری آھی :
You didn't really see a ghost-it was just your imagination
توھان کو ڀوت ناھی ڍٺو ۔ اِھو صرف توھان جو تخیل ھو ۔
Imagination, also called the faculty of imagining, is the creative ability to form images, ideas, and sensations in the mind without direct input from the senses, such as seeing or hearing.
Synonyms acuteness artistry awareness castle-building chimera cognition conception creation creative thought creativity enterprise fabrication fancy fantasy idea ideality illusion image imagery ingenuity insight inspiration intelligence invention inventiveness mental agility notion originality perceptibility realization resourcefulness sally supposition thought thoughtfulness unreality verve vision visualization wit wittiness
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