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heritor Meaning and Definition

Urdu Meanings

iJunoon official Urdu Dictionary



وراثت پانے والا

waarsat panay wala

مِیراث پانے والا

Meeras panay wala

جائِیداد میں قانونی حِصّہ دار

jaedad mein qanooni hissa daar

View English Meanings of: waris
Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

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The Term

A heritor was a privileged person in a parish in Scots law. In its original acceptation, it signified the proprietor of an heritable subject, but, in the law relating to parish government, the term was confined to such proprietors of lands or houses as were liable, as written in their title deeds, for the payment of public burdens, such as the minister's stipend, manse and glebe assessments, schoolmaster's salary, poor rates, rogue-money (for preventing crime) as well as road and bridge assessments, and others like public and county burdens or, more generally, cess, a land tax.
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