Punjabi Dictionary
Punjabi Meaning for guarantee
n. 1. Security. Jamanat. F; 2. Responsibility. Zammewari. F; jummewari. F; 3. Guarantor. Jamin. M; jummewar. M;
to, v. t. jumme laina ; i will guarantee. Achchha, eh mere pete hai.
Punjabi Shahmukhi Dictionary
English to Punjabi Shahmukhi Dictionary
Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
All in One
Guarantee is a legal term more comprehensive and of higher import than either warranty or "security". It most commonly designates a private transaction by means of which one person, to obtain some trust, confidence or credit for another, engages to be answerable for him.
International Languages
Meaning for guarantee found in 8 Languages.
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