gloom Meaning and Definition
اندھیرا ہوجانا
andhera hojana
بے رونق نظر کردینا
bay ronaq nazar kardena
اداس نظرآنا
udaas nazar aana
Gloom is a low level of light which is so dim that there are physiological and psychological effects. Human vision at this level becomes monochrome and the place then seems dull and depressing.
Synonyms anguish bitterness blue devils blue funk blues catatonia chagrin cheerlessness dejection desolation despair despondency disconsolateness discouragement dismals distress doldrums dolor downheartedness dullness dumps foreboding grief heaviness heavyheartedness horror low spirits malaise melancholia misery misgiving mopes morbidity mourning oppression pensiveness pessimism sadness saturninity sorrow unhappiness vexation weariness woe
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