experience Sindhi Meaning

Sindhi Dictionary

Sindhi Meaning for experience

تجربو، مشاھدو: (no pl.) کنھن شیء بابت سٍٺی عملی معلومات ، گھڻی ڄاڻ:She has four years's teaching experience ھن کی پڙ ھائڻ جو چئڻ سالن جو تجربو آھو: do you have much experievce of working with children? ڇاتو ھان کی ٻارن سان کم کرڻ جو چگو خاصو تجربو آھی؟ 2 (pl. experiencer) پیش آیل واقعو: He wrote a book about his experience in africa ھن آفریکا ۾ پنھنجن تجربن بابت کتاب لکیو: What's the most frightening experience you have ever has ? تو ھان جی زندگی جو سڀ کان وڌیک خوفناک تجربو کھڙو ھو؟

Sindhi Dictionary

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Experience is the knowledge or mastery of an event or subject gained through involvement in or exposure to it.
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