embarrassment Urdu Meaning
Embarrassment - Urdu Meaning and Translation of Embarrassment (پریشانی - pareshani), Total 2 meanings for Embarrassment , Roman Urdu Meaning for word Embarrassment , Synonyms, Antonyms, Image/Illustration, English Definition and more.
Object reference not set to an instance of an object.Embarrassment is an emotional state of intense discomfort with oneself, experienced when having a socially unacceptable act or condition witnessed by or revealed to others.
Synonyms awkward situation awkwardness bashfulness bind boo boo chagrin clumsiness complexity confusion destitution difficulty dilemma discomfiture discomposure disconcertion distress faux pas fix hitch hot seat hot water impecuniosity indebtedness indiscretion inhibition mess mistake mortification pickle pinch plight poverty predicament puzzle quandary scrape self-consciousness shyness snag stew strait tangle timidity unease uneasiness
Antonyms calm assurance
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