denature Urdu Meaning
Denature - Urdu Meaning and Translation of Denature (خلاف فطرت بنانا - khilaaf e fitrat banana), Total 2 meanings for Denature , Roman Urdu Meaning for word Denature , Synonyms, Antonyms, English Definition and more.
خلاف فطرت بنانا
khilaaf e fitrat banana
خصوصیات تبدیل کرنا
khasosiat tabdeel karna
Synonyms alloy amalgamate attenuate blend cheapen commingle contaminate cook corrupt cut defile degrade denature depreciate deteriorate devalue dilute dissolve doctor doctor up falsify impair infiltrate intermix lace make impure minge mix needle phony up plant pollute shave spike taint thin transfuse vitiate water water down weaken
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