deceive Urdu Meaning
Deceive - Urdu Meaning and Translation of Deceive (مکر کرنا - makar karna), Total 3 meanings for Deceive , Roman Urdu Meaning for word Deceive , Synonyms, Antonyms, English Definition and more.
مکر کرنا
makar karna
فریب کرنا
faraib karna
مایوس کرنا
mayoos karna
Synonyms Murphy bamboozle beat beguile betray bilk buffalo burn cheat circumvent clip con cozen cross up defraud delude disappoint double-cross dupe ensnare entrap fake falsify fleece fluff fool gouge gull gyp hoax hoodwink hook humbug impose upon lead on outwit put on rob scam screw sell skin suck in swindle take for take in trick two-time
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