cash Urdu Meaning
Cash - Urdu Meaning and Translation of Cash (نقد - naqad), Total 3 meanings for Cash , Roman Urdu Meaning for word Cash , Synonyms, Antonyms, Image/Illustration, English Definition and more.
ٹھپہ دار سکہ
thappa daar sika
روپیہ پیسہ وغیرہ
rupiya paisa waghera
زر نقد
zar naqad
Cash refers to money in the physical form of currency, such as banknotes and coins.
Synonyms banknote bread buck bullion cabbage chicken feed coin coinage currency dinero dough funds green stuff investment legal tender lot mazuma note payment pledge principal ready assets refund remuneration reserve resources riches savings scratch security skins stock supply treasure wampum wherewithal
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