achieve Urdu Meaning
Achieve - Urdu Meaning and Translation of Achieve (حاصل - haasil), Total 7 meanings for Achieve , Roman Urdu Meaning for word Achieve , Synonyms, Antonyms, English Definition and more.
پورا کرنا
poora karna
انجام دینا
anjaam dena
حاصل کرنا
haasil karna
کامیاب ہونا
kamyaab hona
مقصود پا لینا
maqsood pa lena
مکمل کردینا
mukammal kar dena
View English Meanings of: poorakarnaanjaamdenahaasilkarnakamyaabhonamaqsoodpalenanibhanamukammalkardena
Object reference not set to an instance of an object.Synonyms accomplish acquire actualize adjust attain bring about bring off carry off carry out carry through close complete conclude consummate deliver discharge dispatch do earn effect effectuate enact end execute finish follow through fulfill gain get get done manage negotiate obtain perfect perform procure produce rack up reach realize resolve score seal see through settle sign solve win wind up work out
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